blah blah blah

Friday, October 27, 2006

Bad Night

Had an emotional night last night.

Got home from school and got a call from my roomate saying he had found my cat seriously injured on the driveway when he got home. He had taken her in to the vet who immediately put her on fluids as she was in shock and very cold. We still arent sure what happened.... the vet thinks she fell off of something..... and that she wasnt hit by a car but it seems odd that she would have fallen off of something outside.... there is no way to get up on the roof and well i dunno....

Anyways, he took an xray which came out just as I got there. I heard him in the other room and all he said was, "Ouch." I knew right then it wasn't going to be good. One side of her pelvis was completely disattached from the spine and the other was completely shattered and pieces of bone were everywhere. She had no feeling in her back legs which suggests nerve damage and one of the bone fragments had severed the intestine. It was so sad.

How can something so small hurt u so much. It was pretty emotional just being there by myself and trying to be strong as usual. I stayed with her while they did what they had to do. It was so sad.... I just don't understand. Seems like things go good for a while and then I just get kicked in the ass. Not too sure what I did to deserve this one but it sure fukin hurt. Poor thing. So sad.


At 1:44 PM, Blogger Dr. Fatty said...

That really sucks about your cat. I've got two and one fell from my fourth floor balcony. She needed her lower leg reattached with steel and other stuff. She's doing okay now, but still not like she used to be.

I remember that being a tough couple of weeks for me.

At 8:39 PM, Blogger Duncan said...

I'm so sorry sweetheart, heard about it from Rory this afternoon. Reading your blog got me weepy...calling you now.


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